Barclay Poole Barclay Poole

Certified Functional Strength Coach Certification Added

Congrats to FE’s Director of Training J. Antonio Muyco III (we call him Tony) for adding another important certification to his credentials - CFSC (Certified Functional Strength Coach).

Congrats to FE’s Director of Training J. Antonio Muyco III (we call him Tony) for adding another important certification to his credentials - CFSC (Certified Functional Strength Coach). The added knowledge and expertise fits perfectly into our #TrainForLiFE philosophy and helps us be even better prepared for the needs of our client family. Congrats Tony!

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Should I Supplement With Collagen? #AskJaime

It seems as though collagen supplementation has kinda died, then come back, then died and come back, etc. In this episode I give my thoughts on the potential benefits of supplementing with collagen.

It seems as though collagen supplementation has kinda died, then come back, then died and come back, etc.

In this episode I give my thoughts on the potential benefits of supplementing with collagen.

(Run time: 2:00)

#JaimeRDLD #Collagen

Jaime Rothermich
Functional Elements Training & Nutrition

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

4 Signals My Nutrition May Be Off #AskJaime

Our bodies can be pretty great at leaving 'bread crumbs' when something is off. And quite often, the culprit can be nutrition …

Our bodies can be pretty great at leaving 'bread crumbs' when something is wrong or off.

Most of the time, we don't realize it.

And quite often, the culprit can be nutrition.

In this video I give my thoughts on 4 common signals our bodies often give us when our nutrition is off and/or lacking a particular nutrient or nutrients.

#JaimeRDLD #Nutrition (Run time: 2:28)

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Does Skeletal Muscle Mass Affect Disease Risk? #AskJaime

We always talk about how skeletal muscle mass (SMM) can help our performance - from stability and strength to overall movement. But how can carrying SMM affect disease outcome?

We always talk about how skeletal muscle mass (SMM) can help our performance - from stability and strength to overall movement.

But how can carrying SMM affect disease outcome?

In this video, I give my thoughts.

#JaimeRDLD #SkeletalMuscleMass

(Run time: 1:59)

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

My Go-To Protein Sources #AskJaime

As a dietitian, I'm always asked about what I eat.
And examples of my protein choices is no exception …

As a dietitian, I'm always asked about what I eat.

And examples of my protein choices is no exception.

In this video I give my top go-to choices for a typical week.

Watch video here.

#JaimeRDLD #Protein

(Run time: 2:05)

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Can Our Bodies Store Protein? #AskJaime

We can store glucose/carbohydrate.
And we can store dietary fat as body fat.
But, can we store protein?

We can store glucose/carbohydrate as glycogen.

We can store dietary fat as body fat.

But, can we store protein?

In this video, I give my thoughts.

#JaimeRDLD #cholesterol

(Run time: 1:55)

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Why Am I Doing This? To Be Harder to Kill!

I wanna tell you about another reason to workout.
Like you needed one, right?
But his reason, well, it’s kinda evolved into my favorite …

I wanna tell you about another reason to workout.

Like you needed one, right?

Weight, body fat, mobility, energy, etc … everyone has their own existing motivations.

But this reason, well, it’s kind of evolved into my favorite.

Quite simply, when we exercise (referring to resistance training primarily), we are making ourselves HARDER TO KILL!

Talk about motivation … it makes me want to hit the gym instantly!

Harder to kill because our bodies can take more physical punishment from illnesses (i.e. viruses/bacteria to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's), all the way to preventing and protecting the body from injury (falls, accidents, etc.).

Maintaining skeletal muscle is our BODY ARMOR. It protects us inside and out due to the enhancement of immune function, as well as the physical barrier it provides.

So whatever your existing motivation or goal is to hit the gym, don’t give it up. You can do it! But remember, there are greater things at play … longevity and healthspan … and making us harder to kill across the heightened risks as we age.

(As a personal side note, when I think about the past 5, 10, 15 years and make an honest evaluation, my body composition needle probably hasn't changed more than a relative 10%, up or down.)

So why do I continue to work so hard at all of this? It's easy! Because I want to continue to feel good, have energy, feel strong, be able to move well, and overall, do what I want when I want to do it. Basically, I want to make myself HARDER TO KILL. If I make a few tweaks to both training and nutrition, I'm confident I can change my body fat percentage, but that, in my book, isn't the long term goal.)

Hope this helps. Remember …


Jaime Rothermich
Functional Elements Training & Nutrition

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Follow ‘Your’ Path of Skeletal Muscle Mass

If I'm working out and training consistently, I have this feeling that when I step on the InBody, I should see consistent progress in building skeletal muscle mass (SMM).

Well, let me give you the cold, hard truth …

If I'm working out and training consistently, I have this feeling that when I step on the InBody, I should see consistent progress in buiIding skeletal muscle mass (SMM).

It’s human nature, right?

I mean, why would we be doing this if we aren’t seeing progress?

Well, let me give you the cold, hard truth …

When we're younger, it's quite easy to build muscle and be strong, and see great GAINZ seemingly every time you hit the gym.

As we age, however, and we reach our 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s+, it becomes harder and harder.


Of course not! But without a doubt it is more difficult.

Now let's soften it a bit. While we all become more "mature" adults, we don't HAVE to see a continual increase in SMM, but we should remain aware of its status.

"I don't want to jump on the InBody! And why does it matter that I even track it, if I may not improve much in this area?"

Fair question.

It’s because it’s extremely important to understand the trend. Your trend.

That's right, you need to follow the path of your skeletal muscle mass.

Over the course of time (months and years), if you're holding onto the muscle you already have (or even going up), you're on the right path.

If your SMM is steadily decreasing, it's time to evaluate why and make changes (possibly in diet and/or training) that can help right the ship.

At 47 years old, my short-term goal is to work my butt off to increase my skeletal muscle as long as I'm able, understanding that my medium-term goal is to maintain that muscle mass as long as possible. Which, hopefully, will achieve my end goal of slowing the eventual decline of SMM.

Because, I want to stay strong and be able to do what I want, when I want.

Hope this perspective helps. Remember …


Jaime Rothermich
Functional Elements Training & Nutrition

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Does Dietary Cholesterol Consumed Increase Cholesterol in the Bloodstream?

Cholesterol can be a rather complicated topic.
In this video, I attempt to simplify it.

Cholesterol can be a rather complicated topic.

In this video, I attempt to simplify it.

Does dietary cholesterol in lead directly to an increase in cholesterol in the bloodstream? Let’s discuss.

#JaimeRDLD #cholesterol

(Run time: 2:11)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot:

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Bone Maintenance When Estrogen Levels Shrink

Estrogen is a driver of bone mineral density. When the ability to produce it begins to shrink, do we just sit back and let bones suffer? Nope. Not in a #TrainForLiFE world …

This one is for the ladies.

Estrogen is a driver of bone mineral density. Most of us know that.

But at some point, the ability to produce it begins to shrink, or eventually disappear altogether, typically due to age.

And bones and bone strength begin to suffer because of it.

Do we sit back and just let it happen?

Nope. Not in the #TrainForLiFE world that we at Functional Elements like to live in.

It simply means that we focus on the elements or drivers of bone mineral density and health that we CAN control.

Put another way, it means it becomes much more important to give the body what it needs, when it needs it.

That typically means two things:

1) Crank up your strength training. Don't worry I'm not talking about bulking up. I'm talking about strategic resistance training. Without the driving force of estrogen, we need a consistent effort in place to put tension on the bones to fuel maintenance and potentially even growth.

2) Feed the body what it needs. I'm talking protein. Calories. Calcium. Vitamin D3. Magnesium. These are the biggies that relate directly to bone health. Take protein for instance. Do you know how much your body requires each day? Knowing is half the battle ... putting a consistent, daily effort to make it happen is the other. And if I'm being honest, most clients I deal with fall well short on both.

The next step? It's yours. Seek out a professional to help you put the right plan together for you (I happen to know of a good one!).

And don't wait. Put a proactive plan in place at an early age and really attack the factors you CAN control to avoid the downfalls of the one's you CAN'T.

Remember, it's all about giving your body what it needs, when it needs it!

Jaime Rothermich
Functional Elements Training & Nutrition

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

How Do We Optimize The Bone Health of Children #AskJaime

Want to have health bones as an adult?
It pays to have healthy bones as a child.
And what are some strategies to help optimize the bone health of our children?
In this video, I give my thoughts.

Want to have health bones as an adult?

It pays to have healthy bones as a child.

And what are some strategies to help optimize the bone health of our children?

In this video, I give my thoughts.

#JaimeRDLD #Dietitian

(Run time: 2:14)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot:

Schedule a nutrition consultation with #JaimeRDLD:

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

What Exercise Impacts Bone Health #AskJaime

Can exercise affect bone health?
And if so, what type of exercise has the greatest impact?
Is it walking? Is it resistance training? Is it pickleball …

Can exercise affect bone health?

And if so, what type of exercise has the greatest impact?

Is it walking? Is it resistance training? Is it pickleball???

In this video, I give my thoughts.

#JaimeRDLD #Dietitian

(Run time: 2:17)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot:

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Nutrients That Affect Bone Health #AskJaime

Want to improve bone health?
Or, maybe your current goal is to at least maintain.
Certain nutrients can play a role …

Want to improve bone health?

Or, maybe your current goal is to at least maintain.

Certain nutrients can play a role.

In this video, I give my thoughts.

#JaimeRDLD #Dietitian

(Run time: 2:11)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot:

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

How Does Weight Loss Affect Bone Health #AskJaime

Can weight loss affect our bone health?
And, if so, what's the best strategy to combat this?
In this video, I give my thoughts.

Can weight loss affect our bone health?

And, if so, what's the best strategy to combat this?

In this video, I give my thoughts.

#JaimeRDLD #Dietitian

(Run time: 1:50)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot:

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Sugar vs. Sugar Alcohol #AskJaime

Sugar vs. sugar alcohol. What’s the difference? Is one better than the other, nutritionally speaking?

You're on your game, constantly ... flipping products over and checking food labels before you buy.

And one of the things you're looking at is sugar content.

But wait ... sometimes instead of, or in addition to, sugar content you see sugar alcohol!

Is this a good thing? A bad thing? What's the difference?

In this episode, I give my thoughts.

#JaimeRDLD #Dietitian

(Run time: 5:34)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot:

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

My Body Is Telling Me To Take Time Off - Now What?

Lately, my body has been throwing out some bread crumbs, or signals if you will. Basically it’s telling me to take a break from lifting.

So, what were these bread crumbs?
And what does ‘take a break’ actually mean?

Lately, my body has been throwing out some bread crumbs.

Some pain in my left forearm.

A slight abdominal tweak.

And a couple other areas with minor issues.

Yes, these are bread crumbs, or little messages from my body saying "Jaime, it's time to take a break."

A break from what?

In this case, lifting.

It's been a while since I've taken a break actually. I've been pretty consistent with 3 or 4 significant strength training sessions each week for some time.

Maybe the bread crumbs telling me to slow down a bit were there earlier, I just failed to recognize them.

But now, things have snowballed a bit - and I hear what my body is telling me loud and clear.

It's time to take a break from lifting, maybe 7-10 days, and let my body heal.

What this DOESN'T mean is that I have to take a break from EVERYTHING. Just because I'm not lifting, doesn't mean I can't utilize this time to focus on other important factors ... some of which will actually fuel my healing.

So, what will I do?

I'll throw in some extra cardio sessions. (BTW, I've had times in my life where lower body issues have caused me to take a break from cardio ... and during these times I focus more on strength training ... so it can go both ways).

I'll focus a bit more on my food.

Maybe some extra meditation.

And for sure, work on getting more sleep.

So I'm not taking a total break, because I don't want to REgress.

I'm simply listening to my body and redirecting my efforts for the next few days, and I believe by using the tools I've laid out I can actually PROgress.

That's right! Maybe I can even GAIN a little more muscle over the next 7-10 days even without lifting because my body is getting more recovery time and everything it needs to recover properly (food, sleep, etc.).

We'll see how it goes. In 7-10 days I'll re-evaluate the signals that my body is sending.

Hey, setbacks are gonna happen.

But it doesn't mean we have to QUIT. It just means we have to pivot. And take control of the things we can.

If you need help with your pivot, let us at Functional Elements know. That's why we're here!

As always …


Jaime Rothermich, RD, CSSD, LD, PPSC, CSCS
Functional Elements Training & Nutrition

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

If I Could Only Choose One Fruit Organic … #AskJaime

There' lots of fruit out there ... with regular and organic options for each.

But if I could only choose 1 to buy organic, which would it be? Which would I prioritize?

In this video I reveal my selection - and why.

There' lots of fruit out there ... with regular and organic options for each.

But if I could only choose 1 to buy organic, which would it be?

Which would I prioritize?

In this video I reveal my selection - and why.

Plus, I give a little detail on my current overall philosophy on buying organic.

#JaimeRDLD #Dietitian

(Run time: 1:35)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot:

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

I’ve Plateaued. Why - And What Now? #AskJaime

You've been losing body fat ... you've been losing weight ... but it's stopped, and you can't go any lower in calories. You've plateaued. But why? And what now?

You've been losing body fat ... you've been losing weight ... but it's stopped, and you can't go any lower in calories.

You've plateaued.

But why? And what now?

In this video, I give you an option.

#JaimeRDLD #Dietitian

(Run time: 2:46)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot:

Schedule a nutrition consultation with #JaimeRDLD:

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

How Does Weight Loss Work? #AskJaime

How does my body lose weight in a caloric deficit?
Sometimes, we kind of take for granted that this would just happen.

How does my body lose weight in a caloric deficit?

Sometimes, we kind of take for granted that this would just happen.

In this video, I explain the process and maybe help you think of it in a different way.

#JaimeRDLD #Dietitian

(Run time: 2:11)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot:

Schedule a nutrition consultation with #JaimeRDLD:

Learn more about Functional Elements Training & Nutrition:

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Pitfalls of Tracking Diet & Exercise

How accurate can we really be in tracking our food and exercise?And what are some of the common issues that arise when we are trying to do so?

How accurate can we really be in tracking our food and exercise?

And what are some of the common issues that arise when we are trying to do so?

In this video, I give my thoughts.

#JaimeRDLD #Nutrition

(Run time: 3:27)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot:

Schedule a nutrition consultation with #JaimeRDLD:

Learn more about Functional Elements Training & Nutrition:

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