Why Don’t We ‘Practice’ Nutrition?

We practice meditation. We practice yoga. We practice pilates. 

So, why not nutrition?

Amongst many areas of health, one's nutrition takes years upon years to develop and progress.

When we are new to the nutrition realm and want to implement a game plan to lose weight, gain muscle, reduce risk of disease, or just have an overall health improvement, we have what I call "shit nutrition".

This doesn't mean it isn't an improvement from our previous nutrition practices and it's wrong. It simply means this is the rough draft. The first go at it. 

Think back to anything you wanted to get better at, or tried for the first time. You probably weren't very good, and you needed to work to improve. 

This same concept can be applied to nutrition. 

You begin with a few changes, whether they are right or wrong, but you make the decision to try. 

Every day that you implement your game plan you learn about what your body needs. You learn from other people/coaches, books, podcasts about new strategies and this feeds into your growing knowledge base. You try certain things and some work and then some don't. Those things that work remain, the failed attempts are left behind. Your body and season of life changes, and this also factors into the practice of nutrition.

The practice of nutrition is a lifelong journey that, yes, we can improve, and progress, and make ourselves healthier. However, it is a practice that we will never perfect.

Practice hard. Learn all you can about yourself and the area of nutrition. Apply what you've learned and the strategies that enhance you. But be patient and keep progressing. I guarantee this practice will pay off.

Jaime Rothermich
Functional Elements Training & Nutrition


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