What is Micro Group Training?
Why Micro Group Training?

Our new, expanded training space is now open at Functional Elements! 

Whew, it was quite a journey ...

But being able to now offer our FE client family a larger, more comfortable training environment, well, it makes it all worthwhile and we hope you LOVE it!!

The expansion has also allowed us to fully launch Micro Group Training (MGT). 

And what is MGT?

Our definition:
"Micro Group Training is 60 minutes of strategic, individualized, total body strength/stability/mobility training with groups of no more than eight, under the careful guidance of an FE coach. Basically, it is personal training within a very small group.”

I want to make sure everyone is clear ... this is not your typical "group" class.

It is also not a cardio class (although your heart will surely be pumpin'.)

Nope, just as the definition says, we are focused on strength, stability and mobility. Programs are designed with these very objectives in mind, and refreshed regularly.

We ARE lifting weights. We ARE building skeletal muscle mass and LifeStrength. And we ARE integrating mobility and stability throughout. 

Oh - and maybe the biggest part - is that we strategically keep the session size very small.


Because we want your coach to play a big role. Not simply to tell you what to do and when to do it, but to play an active role in the individualization of your MGT session.

More weight, less weight, modifications due to injury/ability/etc ... this is the key role of the FE coach in MGT. 

Now - the bigger question - why should MGT matter to a current one-on-one training client?

First off, it doesn't have to. One-on-one training, and your specific program/objectives, is still our priority. You don't have to pay any attention at all to our MGT program if you don't want to.

But, do we recommend that? 


We recommend you use MGT as needed to ENHANCE what you are already doing at FE. 

For example, let's say you train with us one time per week currently. MGT can be a great way to pick up an additional session or two, but still under the eye of an FE coach and with your individualization/objectives in mind.

Heck, even if you train with us three times per week, your program usually comes with prescribed workouts to do at home?

Do you do them, consistently?

Ha, I won't make you answer that. 

I’ll just say that MGT is an effective tool that is here when you need it to enhance what you are already doing (or not doing).

OK, now for the schedule.

Our main MGT schedule will always be posted here.

Three different programs will be available during the week. Monday/Tuesday will be the same, Wednesday/Thursday will be the same and Friday/Saturday will be the same. 

Hopefully this info helps. If you have additional questions/feedback, please don't hesitate to let me know. 

I look forward to seeing you in Micro Group Training. The next step is yours! If you'd like to try it out and haven't, let me know!

Patrick McDermott