Why Am I Doing This? To Be Harder to Kill!

I wanna tell you about another reason to workout.

Like you needed one, right?

Weight, body fat, mobility, energy, etc … everyone has their own existing motivations.

But this reason, well, it’s kind of evolved into my favorite.

Quite simply, when we exercise (referring to resistance training primarily), we are making ourselves HARDER TO KILL!

Talk about motivation … it makes me want to hit the gym instantly!

Harder to kill because our bodies can take more physical punishment from illnesses (i.e. viruses/bacteria to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's), all the way to preventing and protecting the body from injury (falls, accidents, etc.).

Maintaining skeletal muscle is our BODY ARMOR. It protects us inside and out due to the enhancement of immune function, as well as the physical barrier it provides.

So whatever your existing motivation or goal is to hit the gym, don’t give it up. You can do it! But remember, there are greater things at play … longevity and healthspan … and making us harder to kill across the heightened risks as we age.

(As a personal side note, when I think about the past 5, 10, 15 years and make an honest evaluation, my body composition needle probably hasn't changed more than a relative 10%, up or down.)

So why do I continue to work so hard at all of this? It's easy! Because I want to continue to feel good, have energy, feel strong, be able to move well, and overall, do what I want when I want to do it. Basically, I want to make myself HARDER TO KILL. If I make a few tweaks to both training and nutrition, I'm confident I can change my body fat percentage, but that, in my book, isn't the long term goal.)

Hope this helps. Remember …


Jaime Rothermich
Functional Elements Training & Nutrition


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