One Option for Nutrition Accountability
I have a nutrition client.
She gets the importance of nutrition.
And she knows the critical role it will play in reaching her goals.
But she's having a little trouble with accountability.
(Probably something we are all a little guilty of at times, myself included.)
So, we came up with a game plan.
A 30-minute meeting, either in person or via ZOOM, every month (at least for the foreseeable future).
We don't miss these meetings. She makes them a priority.
What do we talk about?
3 things.
1) Accountability. Is she staying on track with the cumulative action steps we put in play?
2) Obstacles. What obstacles have arisen and what modifications can we make that will address?
3) Wins. What is going well ... what small "wins" are happening that will set momentum in place for even more?
Whatever they might be, we celebrate them.
Seems simple.
But nutrition is a journey, and a one-time meeting with a dietitian, well, sometimes it isn't quite enough.
Sometimes it takes much more consistent, periodic support to really get things on track.
(It never takes just one workout, right? Think of your nutrition journey along the same lines.)
I'm mentioning this because I want all of our Functional Elements (FE) clients to know this is available.
We have a sign inside of FE, placed strategically front and center so all clients can read it every day.
It basically says "Results don't happen during your workouts. They happen between your workouts."
I know nutrition can be frustrating. And often we don't want to deal with it as much as we should.
But it is the KEY to truly unlocking the power of your fitness program and reaching your goals.
Hands down. End of story.
So, use me.
Whatever I can do to motivate, keep you accountable, make modifications, or just be there to support along the way, I'm here.
As always ...
Jaime Rothermich, RD, CSSD, LD, PPSC*KB, CSCS
Functional Elements Training & Nutrition