I know what I need to do, I just don’t do it. Where’s the disconnect?

Quite often I hear the statement, "I know what to do, I just don't do it".  In some instances I don't believe it. However, in this instance, let's assume I do. 

-You know you need more protein.

-You know you need to limit fast food, desserts, and other calorically dense foods to reach an energy deficit (if weight loss is a goal).

-You know you need more water.

-You know you need to lift, do cardio, and be more consistent with exercise.

So where's the disconnect? Why aren't you just doing the things you know you need to do to be healthier and reach the goals you're gunning for?

It could be because you don't have any more energy to put forth.

It could be because your goals are not a high enough priority, yet.

It could be because you feel overwhelmed by ALL the actions you think you need to implement to move the needle.

I can't help you prioritize your goals, other than to tell you how important they are from an overall health and longevity perspective. This is ultimately within you. 

During the holiday season we typically push off our goals to start anew in the next year. But it doesn't, and shouldn't, be this way. Year after year, this can send us in an overall unhealthy downward trajectory that many don't reverse or recover from. Heading into 2024, I want it to be different for you. 

Don't get overwhelmed. Don't think it will take much more energy. It will simply take a little focus and slightly more discipline. It won't take massive change and energy output. 

Right now, pick one or two actions you can take to foster your results, or at least maintain your current status through the holidays. (For some, maintaining is a win in and of itself.)

Choose the low hanging fruit, be consistent, and don't stress. Here are some ideas...

1. Move daily. This doesn't necessarily mean getting to the gym. Could be just a nice walk.

2. Cut back on alcohol by 50%.

3. Have protein with each meal. Yes, even at the Christmas party.

4. Make fruit and vegetables a daily priority. Three per day.

5.Drink water consistently.

6. Get out of the "all-or-nothing" mindset. Even if you overindulge, don't throw away the day, week, or month. It's not the overindulgence that's the problem. It's usually the reaction to it.

Again, you don't have to pick all. Choose the one or two that work best and be consistent. 

Make this the healthiest holiday and New Year ever! Without good health, we won't have happiness.

Happy Holidays everyone!

As always, 


Confused on where to start?

The Functional Elements 14-day 360° gives you everything you need, over 14 power-packed days. 



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