Warm Up to an Evolved Warmup

What's your go-to warmup for a workout?

A walk on the treadmill maybe?

It used to be for me. Actually, I've used it in the past with clients as well.

But one of the best parts about our industry is that it keeps evolving - and we at FE keep taking advantage by always learning for the betterment of clients.

Our warmups today have evolved from a treadmill strategy to a 6-phase dynamic strategy aimed at getting your body and nervous system strategically primed for the workout at hand.

The 6 phases are meant to flow together seamlessly to prepare for the movements in a safe, efficient and effective manner.

From foam rolling to bi-phasic stretching, all the way to muscle activation, movement pattern and central nervous system prep, the 6-phase dynamic warmup preps our joints, muscles and mind for what's upcoming.

The result is a better workout. Less imbalances and yes, even less potential injury.

Compare this to a walk on the treadmill.

Sure, the treadmill is easy. A little 5-10 minute stroll, maybe get a little sweat going.

But walking/running in a linear fashion doesn't necessarily prepare us for a training session in which we're moving through multiple planes and intensities.

At FE, we believe a warmup is NOT a throwaway. It is a critical part of the actual training session.

It doesn't have to take long. Each phase can last a minute or so. But it's strategically tied to the workout, so in actuality IT BECOMES THE WORKOUT!

So what are the 6 phases? I've listed them below. Keep in mind that these phases are like categories, and each one has a multitude of warmup movements that can be utilized on a particular day to best match the body parts that are targeted in that day's workout.

1. SMR (self myofascial release)
2. Bi-phasic stretch
3. Corrective exercise
4. Muscle activation
5. Movement pattern
6. CNS preparation

What specific movements should go into each phase? They vary, by client and by workout. Through our proprietary assessment protocols, we determine the various 6-phase warmup patterns that a client will utilize as part of their personalized program.

So where do you go from here?

First off, if you don't incorporate a warmup into your workout, do so. It's not a throwaway.

Second, my general recommendation is to get out of the old 'walk on the treadmill' warmup mindset. Instead, use the time and energy strategically to get your body prepped in the best possible way for results and injury prevention (aka, get on board with a 6-phase warmup strategy).

Finally, make sure your 6-phase warmup is properly designed for YOU, YOUR body and YOUR goals. Get with a qualified expert (we happen to know of a good one!). to be sure.

Remember - GIVE YOUR BODY WHAT IT NEEDS, WHEN IT NEEDS IT. And prior to a workout, this is what your body needs!

Jaime Rothermich
Functional Elements Training & Nutrition


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