#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Why Most New Year's Nutrition Resolutions Fail - And What We Can Learn From Them

Hey everyone! As we have kicked off, and are a week into the new year, it's no secret that many of us are setting big goals. But let’s be real for a second – more often than not, these resolutions don’t stick. So, let’s talk about why most New Year's nutrition resolutions tend to fall flat and what we can learn from these missteps. Here are just a few.

1. The All-or-Nothing Mindset It’s a classic January move – going from zero to a hundred on the fitness scale. But this drastic change is like jumping into deep waters without knowing how to swim. Why does this approach flop? Because it’s about restriction, not sustainable change. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. You may have a lofty goal, but setting up extreme means to get there isn’t the answer. Establish small actions consistently and layer more in as those become your foundation. Big goals are sustainably achieved through many small actions.

2. Misjudging Portions: We often think, “If it’s healthy, I can have as much as I want,” right? But even with healthy foods, overdoing it is easy. This pitfall leads to unintended calorie overloads. Calories are calories, no matter where they come from. And based upon the evidence, we tend to underestimate how much we eat by 50%. Be aware, even if you are only eating “healthy” foods.

3. Stuck in a Food Rut?: Variety isn’t just the spice of life; it’s also key for a health and well-being. Sticking to the same old salad can lead to nutrient deficiencies and, frankly, boredom. Yes, you may lose weight. But, weight loss and health don’t always go hand in hand. The lesson? Mix it up. Different foods bring different nutrients and keep things interesting.

4. Patience is a virtue: This one pertains back to number ONE. When progress doesn’t happen overnight, disappointment can set in and your goals fall by the wayside. The reality check? Sustainable change takes time. Aim for realistic, gradual improvements. And for god’s sake, BE PATIENT. (Lasting change will take more than a few weeks.)

5. Choose your own path: Many times we try to use the popular diet or exercise of the time. Or, we try to do what our friends or other gym members do because it worked for them. This can be counterproductive because this path, though it worked for someone else, may not be right for your goals or lifestyle. And, if you find yourself on a path that may not be working, don’t be afraid to pivot and go a different direction.

So, what's the big picture? Understanding these common pitfalls can be the first step to making better, more sustainable nutrition and exercise choices. It's not about being perfect from day one; it's about learning and growing along the way. In other words, don’t let perfection get in the way of progress. Here's to a more realistic, achievable path to health in the new year!

As always, 


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J. Antonio Muyco III J. Antonio Muyco III

2024 Fitness Goals…THREE Tips to Stay on Task.

It’s the first week of the year. We may still be in holiday mode, unwilling to relinquish the joys of Christmas, the New Year, family, friends, food, and drink. It’s time to look ahead to what the new year will bring. What positive change can we make? What is your New Year’s resolution?

The most popular resolution is weight loss. Therefore, like most resolutions, it can often fizzle out and lead to failure. Here’s my top 3 tips to stay on task this year to help you achieve your health and fitness goals in 2024.

1. Don’t Focus on Weight

What?!?! If my goal is to lose weight, I’m not supposed to focus on my weight??? Right! Do away with the bathroom scale. It may only lead to feelings of failure and frustration. Put your focus on the steps, or process, to lose weight and keep that in the forefront. Do not weigh in everyday, or even every week. Again, you may be disappointed because we don’t lose weight in a linear fashion. If you do choose to still jump on that bathroom scale, use it once a month, even every other month, or even every 4 or 6 months. You will be more at peace with yourself, and this will lead to sticking to that resolution instead of feeling defeated and doing away with your resolution.

2. Understand Your Body’s Caloric and Protein Needs

Why do I say to not focus on weight? It’s because 99% of the time when people say they want to lose weight, they are really saying they want to lose body fat. Proper weight loss occurs through an energy deficit that combines exercise and nutrition. If you combine increased protein intake into the mix, you will increase skeletal muscle mass and decrease fat mass. In general, if you multiply your weight (in pounds) by .8 g/ day, it will lead you to an appropriate suggested amount of protein intake. Of course this is a general starting point. You may need to dial this in based upon other factors such as the amount of exercise you’re perfoming weekly.

For more accurate and detailed calculations, have a listen to this link by Jaime Rothermich RD, CSSD, LD, PPSCxKB : The 5 NUMBERS you need to know!

3. Make Small Changes and stick with them

Whether it’s changes in exercise or nutrition, consistency is the key. This consistency is achieved by making small changes that are achievable. For example, daily 20-30 minute walks are an easy habit to implement. Over time, after making these daily walks habitual, you can increase the frequency or implement another method of exercise. These small habitual changes can lead to big changes over time.

Keep these 3 things in mind and you will be more apt to keep up with that New Year’s resolution. Enjoy and focus on the process over the end results. Doing this will keep you disciplined and consistent, which in turn, will achieve that end goal. Take it day by day. There will be times when the motivation will not be there, and you will stray off track. But that doesn’t mean the next day (or even the day after that) has to be the same. So what if you had a bad day (or weekend) where you eat or drink everything in sight? Don’t worry. Let if go and be better the next day. Don’t focus on the weight.

Understand what your body needs. Implement those small changes. And trust the process. The results will come. Here’s to a healthy and prosperous 2024. Happy New Year!

As always, 


Confused on where to start?

The Functional Elements 14-day 360° gives you everything you need, over 14 power-packed days. 


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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

I know what I need to do, I just don’t do it. Where’s the disconnect?

Quite often I hear the statement, "I know what to do, I just don't do it".  In some instances I don't believe it. However, in this instance, let's assume I do. 

-You know you need more protein.

-You know you need to limit fast food, desserts, and other calorically dense foods to reach an energy deficit (if weight loss is a goal).

-You know you need more water.

-You know you need to lift, do cardio, and be more consistent with exercise.

So where's the disconnect? Why aren't you just doing the things you know you need to do to be healthier and reach the goals you're gunning for?

It could be because you don't have any more energy to put forth.

It could be because your goals are not a high enough priority, yet.

It could be because you feel overwhelmed by ALL the actions you think you need to implement to move the needle.

I can't help you prioritize your goals, other than to tell you how important they are from an overall health and longevity perspective. This is ultimately within you. 

During the holiday season we typically push off our goals to start anew in the next year. But it doesn't, and shouldn't, be this way. Year after year, this can send us in an overall unhealthy downward trajectory that many don't reverse or recover from. Heading into 2024, I want it to be different for you. 

Don't get overwhelmed. Don't think it will take much more energy. It will simply take a little focus and slightly more discipline. It won't take massive change and energy output. 

Right now, pick one or two actions you can take to foster your results, or at least maintain your current status through the holidays. (For some, maintaining is a win in and of itself.)

Choose the low hanging fruit, be consistent, and don't stress. Here are some ideas...

1. Move daily. This doesn't necessarily mean getting to the gym. Could be just a nice walk.

2. Cut back on alcohol by 50%.

3. Have protein with each meal. Yes, even at the Christmas party.

4. Make fruit and vegetables a daily priority. Three per day.

5.Drink water consistently.

6. Get out of the "all-or-nothing" mindset. Even if you overindulge, don't throw away the day, week, or month. It's not the overindulgence that's the problem. It's usually the reaction to it.

Again, you don't have to pick all. Choose the one or two that work best and be consistent. 

Make this the healthiest holiday and New Year ever! Without good health, we won't have happiness.

Happy Holidays everyone!

As always, 


Confused on where to start?

The Functional Elements 14-day 360° gives you everything you need, over 14 power-packed days. 


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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Avoid Holiday Weight Gain…Here’s How!

Thanksgiving (maybe even Halloween) through the New Year is, no doubt, the most difficult time of year to pursue our health and fitness goals. Difficult, but not impossible. 

Typical average weight gain for this time period is one to two pounds. This doesn't sound like a lot. However, the problem lies in the fact that this weight gain is then never lost. And year in and year out can lead to consistent weight gain. 

This year let's put an end to the trend through an appropriate mindset and some simple actions. Reaching your goals during the holidays (or at least maintaining) can happen, but simplicity is the key. 

So how do we do it?

1. Don't allow an "all-or-nothing" mindset to prevail. 

-"It's the holidays, so game on. New Year's resolutions are right around the corner." Or, "I need to avoid everything and not have any fun because I'm trying to lose weight." There can be a happy median.

2. Enjoy any food and drink you desire, but limit portions. 

-Many of us think that having a drink or eating that dessert automatically makes us gain weight. In reality, it's simply a math equation. No matter the food or drink choices, if you're consuming more than your body needs, you'll gain. If you're consuming less than needed, you should lose. 

-Give yourself a weekly alcohol budget and don't go over it. I.e. 6 drinks per week with the ability to consume them whenever you'd like.

3. Have protein with every meal (ideally .6-.8g/pound of body weight or target body weight).

-Consuming enough daily protein will help recovery, muscle maintenance, and it provides satiety. The fuller you feel, the less you will indulge, hopefully.

-When partaking in the many holiday parties that tend to pop up, begin by eating protein and veggies to squash your appetite and provide your body with nutrient dense foods prior to having the goodies.

4. Move every day! Whether it's walking, strength training (at least 2x/week), yoga, pilates, bike, swim, or any other activity you can think of, it's important not only for your physical health and weight control, but for your mental health as well. As much holiday cheer as there is, this time can be stressful.

5. Be consistent with water intake.

-We get busy spreading holiday cheer and water consumption can falter. Staying properly hydrated helps every process of the body from digestion to assisting the immune system. We don't want to get sick during the "happiest time of the year", do we?

6. Sleep!!!

-Seven to eight hours per night. We all know how a few bad nights of sleep makes us feel. If you want to be on point this season with managing stress, recovery, and even weight loss, enough sleep is a must.

7. Have fun. Enjoy your family and friends, and all the wonderful experiences of the holidays.

Follow these simple steps consistently and charge into 2024 with some momentum.

Happy Holidays!

As always, 


Confused on where to start?

The Functional Elements 14-day 360° gives you everything you need, over 14 power-packed days. 


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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

5 Simple Ways to Increase Your Metabolism!

Let me clarify, very simply, what metabolism is. It's the process of the body using energy/calories to perform all of its activities. What does this entail? It means EVERYTHING!

We burn calories when we breathe.

We burn calories when we think.

We burn calories when we blink.

We burn calories when we sleep.

We burn calories when we chew and digest food.

And, obviously we burn calories when we move. 

Our bodies burn calories to keep us alive.

Now, a lot of people believe there's a natural decline in metabolism as we age. However, prior to the age of 60 the metabolism doesn't change much at all. And, after the age of 60, it's a small decrease annually. So don't use this as an excuse!

So, how can you increase your metabolism? 

1. Walk a minimum of 7500 step per day, every day

2. Lift weights to build muscle (more muscle = increased metabolism)

3. Increase protein intake (it takes more energy to digest and use protein)

4. Get a good amount of sleep

5. Stay hydrated, eat more fruits and vegetables, manage stress.

What am I saying here? Just crank up the regular stuff that you know gets results. There's no magic pill (unfortunately).

As always, 


Confused on where to start?

The Functional Elements 14-day 360° gives you everything you need, over 14 power-packed days. 


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J. Antonio Muyco III J. Antonio Muyco III

What the heck is dorsiflexion?

Mobility is one of our 3 pillars of training (the others being Strength and Stability). When we think about being mobile some words that come to mind are extension, rotation, and flexion. These movements occur at our joints. One of the most mobile joints in the body should be your ankle because it can do all three of these movements.

We often think of extension when walking and making ground contact. Many of us have performed ankle circles, i.e., rotation. But what is flexion? More specifically, dorsiflexion of the ankle? And why is it important?

Dorsiflexion is the motion that occurs at the ankle at the top part of the foot as it moves toward the tibia (shin) bone (pulling the foot and toes up). Dorsiflexion allows the foot/ body to decelerate, sidestep, cut, jump, and land. You might think: “I don’t need that. I’m not an athlete.” But oh, you do. These movements are needed for everyday life. And the more efficient, stable, and mobile you are at these movements, the less risk of injury. You may not be an “athlete, but life is better when you’re not watching from the sidelines.

Poor dorsiflexion can be caused by everyday wear and tear and with the constant support of footwear, locking the movement of your ankles. This can cause tight calf musculature and poor ankle mobility. This can lead the body to compensate and increase injuries to your back, hips, knees, and cause you to be less flexible and mobile. Specifically related to the knees, poor dorsiflexion is one of the main culprits of a poor squat, one of your 6 foundational movements. A lack of mobility at the ankle will usually cause foot pronation then knee valgus, which will then intern lead to a “collapse” in your posture while squatting.

So don’t lose sight of your ankles. As I always stress, stability starts from the ground up. Practice full range of motion in all your joints, and particularly dorsiflexion of your ankles. Here are my TOP 3 Dorsiflexion Exercises

1. Half Kneeling Dorsiflexion

2. Seated Kettlebell 1-Leg Dorsiflexion

3. Standing Banded Dorsiflexion

Give ‘em a try. Your body will thank you for it.

As always, 


Confused on where to start?

The Functional Elements 14-day 360° gives you everything you need, over 14 power-packed days. 


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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

I Was Wrong, but…

I've been hearing on the radio for the past year or so about a diet, from a company touting a weight loss "secret", that leads to losing a pound of body fat daily. In a previous discussion, I refuted how this was impossible. But now I need to reframe my initial thoughts. A small study proved me wrong!

Here's how this small study laid out:

1. The researchers recruited 15 overweight men around the age of 40 years old.

2. They consumed 320 calories per day for four days (from whey protein)

3. Each of the four days they did 45 minutes of a hand-cranking exercise and then walked on a treadmill for 8 hours (approximately 22 miles per day). 

And here's what happened:

Subjects lost an average of 11 pounds of total body weight with about 5 pounds being body fat. So yes, they were able to lose a pound of fat per day. The rest of the weight loss was primarily water. Surprisingly, they maintained they're skeletal muscle mass.

I don't mind admitting...I was wrong!. However, this was a crazy experiment that won't realistically be sustainable in real world settings. 

We see these claims about miracle diets promoting such fat loss, but it's not going to happen unless very extreme actions take place. And, if there is a great amount of weight loss from following a promoted diet, we can count on it being primarily water loss.

Also, these findings may work for this group that was overweight, but if a lean person tries it, there's more of a chance for muscle loss. 

Finally, rapid weight loss is appealing. And if it is done as a short-term kickstart with a game plan in place to sustain the initial weight loss, then more power to you. But remember that many of these rapid loss plans may lead to quick results while possibly sacrificing overall health. 

Even though this small study (in a controlled setting) proved me wrong, I'm still leaning into building a long-term process of nutrition and training that can be followed even on your worst day. Unfortunately, and I actually love saying this though people don't like hearing it, but it's the boring, small actions in nutrition and training completed consistently that will drive success

As always, 


Confused on where to start?

The Functional Elements 14-day 360° gives you everything you need, over 14 power-packed days. 


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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

It Really Doesn’t Matter….

First, it was low-fat.

Then, there was low-carb.

Detoxes and cleanses.

Very low-carb ketogenic.

And don't forget, macros don't matter, it's all about intermittent fasting. 

For decades we've been trying to find the "best" diet for weight loss. In actuality, when calories are controlled, all weight loss diets work. Anyone trying to sell you on ONE revolutionary diet for weight loss that claims it works better than the rest is full of sh*t. 

When we transition away from this magical diet our results typically disappear as well. 

"Keto worked for me and I lost 30 pounds!" 

"Great! And you kept it off?"

"Well, no, I gained 35 back."

(In my mind..."So it didn't REALLY work for you.")

So the next time social media, a magazine, or gym bro touts this or that diet works better for everyone, have confidence it's all nonsense. And any diet that cannot be followed long term is useless.

I challenge you, from this point forward, to take into account YOUR goals, preferences, and make educated decisions to find what works for you in your weight loss journey.

One size does not fit all!

As always, 


Confused on where to start?

The Functional Elements 14-day 360° gives you everything you need, over 14 power-packed days. 


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J. Antonio Muyco III J. Antonio Muyco III

Why Anti-Rotation is Key to your Training

Why Anti-Rotation is Key to your Training Program

Imagine waking up to a sunny, cool fall morning. You feel great and energized and take advantage by taking your best four-legged friend on a neighborhood walk.

You tie up shoes, attach the leash, and open the door, only to be welcomed by a squirrel at your front yard. Your dog sprints out to attack the squirrel, violently pulling you with him. You try to chase after him, but you struggle because of a shooting pain in your low back, ruining your morning, day, week, and even month.

This scenario could happen to anyone. Thus, the importance of incorporation anti-rotation movements to your training routine.

Yes, everyone would love to have a six-pack, but don’t fall into the trap of thinking that is the main reason for core training. Your core is not just your abdominals. It also consists of your pelvis, low back, hips, and glutes. Its main function is to hold your body upright and to stabilize it. Thus, when an external force acts against you, your core needs to have the strength and stability to resist that force in order to prevent injuries.

Anti-rotation movements can do just that. Anti-rotation (and anti-extension) exercises train the core muscles that control the transverse and sagittal plane movement of the spine, rib cage, and pelvis. Anti-Rotation is great for building core stability and enhances your body’s ability to resist force. It involves contracting your core and holding it completely still while keeping your body within just one singular plane, or direction of motion.

Here are some of my go-to anti-rotation exercises:

Pallof Press

Kneeling Halos

Mace/ Lever Bell Side Press

Off-Set Resistance Squats and Hinges

Bird Dogs

Dead Bugs

So, make sure you incorporate anti-rotation into your training program. It will not only help build core stability and prevent injuries, but it will also make your stronger in other exercises and help build a better mind/body neural connection. You will have the strength and stability to hang on to that dog leash, as Fido attempts to attack that squirrel. Get’em boy!

As always, 


Confused on where to start?

The Functional Elements 14-day 360° gives you everything you need, over 14 power-packed days. 


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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

We got a situation!

We got a situation! 

Forty-one year old woman...two kids...career...husband (that acts like a child...just kidding!)...and now it seems as though, all of a sudden, some unwanted physical changes are happening.

"My hormones must be changing."

"My metabolism must be slowing."

Could it be hormonal changes? Possibly. Is your metabolism slowing down? Probably not (this really isn't significant till after the age of 60).

Many times, in situations like this, we like to search for extreme answers as to why things are changing. However, I've observed that the 41 year old mom with 2 young kids, career, PTA, and everything else that comes along with all of this creates a stage of life that's busier than any other. 

In this season of life so much is going on that YOU are put on the back burner, which means your health, weight loss, strength. and general well-being may suffer.

It's obviously not on purpose. The focus and busyness of kids, family, career and other events involving friends in the same boat is most likely precipitating this unwanted change. It's a lifestyle that makes change harder.

Time is a commodity, your food environment offers many more temptations, and the mindset isn't about you. 

So how do  you manage all this and still take care of yourself?

My advice: Be selfish! Yep, you read that correctly. Selfish doesn't mean neglectful. But it does mean that boundaries need to be established and you must carve out time for yourself and rely upon discipline (because motivation isn't going to cut it when you only have some much energy and bandwidth to give).

If you only have 30 minutes, 3x/week to walk or strength train, then make it non-negotiable. Or, if you need 15 minutes to get your lunch ready for the next day, the load of laundry can wait a few minutes, or ideally, be delegated to someone else in the household (I’m not going to name names). 

No doubt, it's a difficult stage of life to care for yourself, but it can happen by moving YOURSELF up your own list of priorities. 

As always, 


Confused on where to start?

The Functional Elements 14-day 360° gives you everything you need, over 14 power-packed days. 


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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Cardio or Weights for Weight Loss?


"Should I do more cardio?" 


"Should I do more strength training?" 


What many don't realize is that the TYPE of training has little to do with the ABILITY to lose weight. 

The type of training has more to do with where the weight loss comes from. 

Is it coming from muscle? Is it coming from glycogen stores? Or is it actually coming from fat stores? 

In actuality, any activity can foster weight loss as long as other critical factors like nutrition, sleep and stress management are aligned. 

Ideally though, we want to spare as much muscle as possible in the process.  

My best advice is to use exercise strategically, and to stop using it to chase calories for weight loss. 

Strength training will create strength and stability from muscle growth or maintenance. 

Use it for this purpose. 

Endurance or cardiovascular exercise will develop aerobic capacity and heart health. 

Use it for this purpose. 

Both types of training are necessary and will contribute to overall health (and possibly weight loss).

And if you're not losing weight, well, I have a strong inclination it's not the TYPE of training you're doing but a factor OUTSIDE of training. 

For example, you may be training with your coach four hours per week. Remember though, there's another 164 hours in that same week
that also need your attention (that's where those OTHER factors I mentioned previously come in ... diet, sleep, stress management).

And if you can, find a qualified coach that can guide and support you (I happen to know of some good ones!) through the 164 hours outside

of training to help facilitate a complete strategy to make sh*t happen! 

As always, 


Confused on where to start?

The Functional Elements 14-day 360° gives you everything you need, over 14 power-packed days. 


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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

The Importance of your WHY

Functional Elements has been helping our awesome clients on their health journeys for 10 YEARS now. Over these ten years there have been, and are, a couple commonalities amongst the majority. What would those be, you ask?

1. I want to lose weight

2. I want to get stronger!

Though different, these two goals are linked. One of the thought experiments we go through within each new client's initial strategy session is simply asking the question, "Why?". 

Why do you want to lose weight? "Because I want to look better."

Why do you want to look better? "So I can have more confidence in myself."


Why do you want to get stronger? Because I don't feel like I'm as mobile as I once was?"

Why do you want to be more mobile? "Because I want to still be able to hike and play tennis with my family."


The goal isn't really JUST to lose weight or to gain strength. It's always much deeper than that. It is about self worth, as well as the things that lead to more fulfillment...being able to do the things you want when you want to do them. Live a long and healthy life with your family. Have the ability to play with your kids and it not be a struggle. Or, having confidence in oneself (wear what you want to wear...do what you want to do.).

These deeper feelings? Well, these are your anchors. It's not as simple as "I want to lose weight."

If this sounds familiar to you, then start taking steps to reach your anchor (not just your goal). 

Remember, these steps don't need to be complicated or difficult. However, you MUST have a game plan regarding exercise (strength training is you're trying to get strong) and nutrition. And, if you've been struggling on your path to health for a while, then it's time to take it out of your own hands a seek professional help. Maybe not only for the expertise and experience, but for the accountability as well. Seeking out a coach that will put the correct, and most efficient, plan together and push you to be consistent in all aspects of improving your health is always a good idea, though we all typically think we can just do it on our own.  

For example, my fields of expertise are in training and nutrition. However, if I want to get better or dive deeper into a specific aspect of training, namely kettlebell training, then I better seek out someone that knows more than me. This closely applies to the two most common goals our clients seek us out for...getting stronger by building muscle, and weight loss (more specifically, fat loss).

It's time for a new way. If not with Functional Elements, then find someone good that can help you actually reach your anchor and stop spinning your wheels.

As always, 


Confused on where to start?

The Functional Elements 14-day 360° gives you everything you need, over 14 power-packed days. 


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Functional Elements Functional Elements

Low back pain =Weak Glutes

Low Back Pain = Weak Glutes

In my 20 years of training, by far the most common chronic pain our clients experience is low back pain. Due to the structure of the human anatomy, the spine takes a lot of stress in daily movement. Low back pain can be caused by several factors, some of which can be poor posture, disc integrity, and poor mobility, to name just a few. Often though, since the human body is all connected, usually more than one factor is the culprit. If I were to pinpoint, however, one area to relieve low back pain, it would be to strengthen the GLUTES.

Why is the gluteus maximus the biggest muscle in the body? Because it has the important task of keeping us upright and pushing our bodies forward. The gluteus maximus also gets assistance from the gluteus medius and minimus. The gluteus medius and minimus work together to stabilize the hip which assists in balancing the body. Due to inactivity over time, glutes are weakened, and not stimulated, which then prevents this big muscular structure from efficiently keeping our bodies upright and supporting our daily movement.

Because of its key roles in stability and movement, weak glutes can lead to low back pain and can even affect the hips and knees. So often in training, and especially with males, glutes can get ignored and the focus turns to chest, arms, and abs. Don’t fall into this trap. Incorporate proper and effective glute exercises to your routine. Here are my top 3 go-to glute movements with regressions and progressions:

1. Hip Thrusts

Why: great for overall gluteus maximus strength and teaching hip extension

Regression: Lying Glute Bridge

Progression: Single Leg Hip Thrust

2. Banded Clamshell

Why: often use physical therapy for pain management, it targets the glute medius and piriformis to strengthen the core and pelvic muscles

Regression: no bands, just bodyweight

Progression: Banded Lateral Walk or Standing 1-Leg Fire Hydrant

3. RDL w/ kettlebells, dumbbells, or barbell

Why: strengthens the posterior chain and can enhance daily movement and performance

while reducing back pain

Regression: bodyweight or anterior loading

Progression: Single Leg RDL

So next time you grab that low back to relieve that dull ache, ask yourself, “have I worked and stimulated my glutes?” Train your glutes consistently! Your body will thank you for it. Glute Demos

Remember to always #TrainforliFE.

You want strong glutes and a pain free lower back? Contact us @functionalelements

As always, 


Confused on where to start?

The Functional Elements 14-day 360° gives you everything you need, over 14 power-packed days. 



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Functional Elements Functional Elements

Got Low Pain?

Low back in pain? Tired of having a stiff back? Try these three movements consistently and simply feel better.

Here are Ryan’s top 3 mobility exercises to help alleviate low back pain…

1. Cobra Raise
2. Lying Supine T-Spine Rotation
3. Alt. Knee Hugs

Preform each of these for :30 (:30 each side for T-Spine Rotation.

If you wake up with low back pain, this routine is for you!

Give it a try!

For more information, contact us

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Jaime’s Homework Assignment

Over the past year or so I've been preaching progress over perfection. A LOT.

And how simple tasks performed consistently are the real needle movers. 

Which leads me to a little homework assignment I have for you.

The assignment is based upon what I consider the FOUR basic pillars of health...EXERCISE...NUTRITION...SLEEP...& STRESS MANAGEMENT.

For the next seven days I want you to implement ONE task in each category and evaluate how you feel. 

Eat a good protein source 3x/day and include 2 vegetables per day (or 1 fruit and 1 vegetable). If you're already achieving this, up the protein by 10-15g/day and one more fruit or vegetable.

If you're not exercising consistently at this point, it's okay. It's never too late to start. So, start by moving for 20 minutes each day. Don't worry about what it is ... JUST GET MOVING and find something you enjoy!

Try to achieve a minimum of FOUR sleep cycles. Each cycle is about 90 minutes, so four of them equals 6 hours. Five cycles would be better (7.5 hours). However, waking up in the middle of a sleep cycle may result in grogginess or sluggishness so try to wake up at the end of a 90-minute cycle.

Each of us handles stress differently, but my recommendation for this week is to simply read 20-30 minutes per day of a fiction book of your choice. Make it juicy and get out of your head for a few minutes. 

Again, implement just ONE task in each category for seven days.
Then, evaluate how you feel. 

Simple, right? 

The compounding effect of small changes within each of these categories, coupled with performing these tasks consistently, can create exponential results. 

Don't underestimate the power of...


As always, 


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J. Antonio Muyco III J. Antonio Muyco III

Tony’s Top 3 Glute Crushers

Why is the gluteus maximus the biggest muscle in the body?

Because it has the important task of keeping us upright and pushing our bodies forward …

Why is the gluteus maximus the biggest muscle in the body?

Because it has the important task of keeping us upright and pushing our bodies forward.

It gets assistance from the gluteus medius and minimus muscles. The gluteus med and min work together to stabilize the hip and help us balance.

Because of its key roles of movement, weak glutes can often lead to pain in the lower back and knees.

The following three exercises are my go to movements for glutes ...

1. Hip thrust: great for overall strength and hip extension.

2. Clamshell: often used in physical therapy because it targets the glute medius and piriformis, strengthening the core and pelvic muscles.

3. RDL: strengthens the posterior chain, which can enhance daily movement and performance, while reducing back pain.

As always …


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J. Antonio Muyco III
Functional Elements Fitness & Nutrition

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77% of the U.S. Population Doesn’t Exercise!

There's a ton of health and fitness information loaded on us from all directions. Cardio vs. Strength training? Keto vs. Vegan? Remember this, it doesn't need to be a binary war...one or the other.

There's a ton of health and fitness information loaded on us from all directions. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, TikTok, the "experts", the news, friends, and family all seem to have a dogmatic opinion about aspects of nutrition and exercise. 

Cardio vs. Strength training?

Keto vs. Vegan? 

Remember this, it doesn't need to be a binary war...one or the other. 

There's nuance, differing situations, and complexities that determine the best choices for each of us. 

The debate about what type of exercise and nutrition program is superior has been endless. And we've taken a very narrow view of these realms

The 10,000 foot view is less complicated and doesn't require any of us to die on the hill for a particular training (or nutrition) ideology. 

As a dietitian, I believe nutrition plays a huge role in our health and must be a large component of our health span. 

But, exercise may be a greater determinant of how we will end up. 

There is so much data supporting how exercise (even in small amounts) delays the onset of chronic disease. 

It obviously slows physical decline, but can slow and even reverse cognitive decline. Not to mention the benefits incurred for our emotional health. 

(There are not many things better for you to decrease stress than a good workout!)

If I can encapsulate ONE takeaway:

If you already exercise, great! Keep it going and don't be dogmatic about your exercise choice. 

You need strength training. But you also need cardio. You need it all. 

So, the next step is to modify and figure out the correct program that will let you reach a better health span.

If you don't currently exercise, you're not alone. Seventy-seven percent of the US population doesn't exercise. 

Yes, 77%! 

Lucky for you, it's never too late to start and see and feel the benefits of exercise. These benefits come from as little as 90 minutes per week (30 minutes three times per week; 15 minutes 6 times per week). 

Going from zero minutes per week to even this small amount and you can find yourself reducing your risk of all cause mortality by 14% (i.e. you're going to reduce your risk of dying from everything and live longer).


As always, 


Jaime Rothermich
Functional Elements Training & Nutrition

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Strong Beliefs, Loosely Held

Beliefs around nutrition have been ingrained in us for years, possibly starting at very early ages. When we keep hearing the same message over and over and over again (whether it's right or wrong), it's in our psychology to begin to believe this message …

Beliefs around nutrition have been ingrained in us for years, possibly starting at very early ages. 

When we keep hearing the same message over and over and over again (whether it's right or wrong), it's in our psychology to begin to believe this message. 

Certain nutritional information seems to be reaching ideological status for large swaths of our population. 

Or, even if we logically understand the truth about the information, there's something in us that doesn't allow the change in belief.

For example, carbs make people fat! 

This message was constant for quite some time and still continues today, even with evidence showing otherwise. 

And I admit, I was guilty of this belief like many. 

But, I was, and always will be, willing to change my mind based upon new and better evidence. 

So what does the evidence show regarding carbs making us fat?

A. Low-fat diets were slightly more effective at lowering total cholesterol and LDL ("bad") cholesterol that is primarily associated with increasing risk of cardiovascular disease.

B. Low-carb diets were more effective at increasing HDL ("good") cholesterol which assists in protecting the heart.

C. NEITHER DIET was more effective than the other at reducing weight, blood pressure, glucose and insulin levels. 

(Meta-analyses in the American Journal of Epidemiology, 176, supplement 7, Oct 2012)

Whatever your goals may be, whether overall improvement in health, weight loss, strength, etc., being strong in your nutritional beliefs is great. 

But don't get so stuck in those beliefs and not allow yourself the ability to pivot, even in the face of stagnation or even regression. 

Be open to new ideas and evidence. This is the path to continuing the advancement of your nutritional knowledge, thus leading to improvement in health. Be thirsty my friends!

As always,


Jaime Rothermich
Functional Elements Training & Nutrition

Is Functional Elements Right For You?
The 14-day 360° gives you 14 power-packed days to find out.

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Want to avoid injury in the gym?

Worried about getting hurt in the gym? Pay more attention on what you do OUTSIDE the gym

I need a moment to vent.

(Not in an annoying way ... it's a vent I simply think may help shift your perspective a bit.)

It's about injuries. Specifically, the potential risk of getting injured while exercising. 

I'll make it even more specific ... strength training. 

When performing any type of resistance exercise we can pull, tweak, or get injured in a multitude of ways. 

We can use improper techniques or bad form. 

We can start off too aggressively, performing exercises that are above our pay grade (i.e. too advanced). 

Or, we can simply load too much and put too much stress on joints and muscles (i.e. you're lifting too heavy). 

Yes, these can all happen. 

However, in my 25 years as a coach and dietitian, I find the reason we get injured while training has very little to do with what goes on in the gym. 

"But my back hurts when I deadlift." Or, "I think I tweaked my knee when you had me squat last time."

Human nature makes us think there's one, and only one cause of the pain or injury. 

We want to make it simple and be able to blame THE culprit. 

Maybe, just maybe, it's NOT the single, "obvious" exercise that is performed one, or possibly two times, throughout the week that hurt the knee or back. 

Try to look at things from a global perspective. 

Could it be more than just the squat? 

Or could the knee pain during the squat be the result of many other things happening throughout your week, and the squat (or any other exercise that's taking shade) is the straw that broke the camel's back? 

A client may be running 15-20 miles per week without eating and sleeping well enough to properly recover. 

Or, hitting the golf range and course three or four times per week torquing the knee over and over and over again. 

Or, you have a desk job that keeps you in front of the computer for 8+ hours per day, you're grabbing takeout for dinner, drinking a max of 12 ounces of water per day then plopping down in front of the TV for another four to five hours, and getting an equal four to five hours asleep. 

Rinse and repeat day in and day out. 

And, the only exercise that may occur are the laps from the couch to the refrigerator.


Riiiiiight. My bad!

If you want to do your best to avoid injury, you have to take care of yourself in all aspects of your life. 

This is NOT about ONE exercise. 

It is about constantly preparing your body to be able to move in the manner you desire...without pain!

Eat and train with a purpose...Be well!


Jaime Rothermich
Functional Elements Training & Nutriiton

Is Functional Elements Right For You?
The 14-day 360° gives you 14 power-packed days to find out.


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