#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Why Shouldn’t I Weigh In 1x Per Week? #AskJaime

In this episode, I give my thoughts on why weighing in once a week isn't always the best. Plus, I give strategies to make the weigh in process more accurate.

In this episode, I give my thoughts on why weighing in once a week isn't always the best.

Plus, I give strategies to make the weigh in process more accurate.

#JaimeRDLD #WeightLoss

(Run time: 2:32)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot: https://www.fab14nutrition.com/fab14

Schedule a nutrition consultation with #JaimeRDLD: https://www.functionalelements.net/contact

Learn more about Functional Elements Training & Nutrition: https://www.functionalelements.net

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Should I Supplement With Creatine?

This question comes straight from a client here at Functional Elements.

Does creatine work and should I take it?

In other words, will creatine help me get jacked?!

This question comes straight from a client here at Functional Elements.

Does creatine work and should I take it?

In other words, will creatine help me get jacked?!

In this episode, I give my thoughts on these questions and more.

#JaimeRDLD #Creatine

(Run time: 1:54)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot: https://www.fab14nutrition.com/fab14

Schedule a nutrition consultation with #JaimeRDLD: https://www.functionalelements.net/contact

Learn more about Functional Elements Training & Nutrition: https://www.functionalelements.net

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Post-Workout Hydration: How much do I need?

Many of us sweat a ton during a workout.

But what does it take to replenish that fluid?

Is it simply a 1:1 ratio, or something different?

Many of us sweat a ton during a workout.

But what does it take to replenish that fluid?

Is it simply a 1:1 ratio, or something different?

In this episode, I give my thoughts on these questions and more.

#JaimeRDLD #Hydration

(Run time: 2:09)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot: https://www.fab14nutrition.com/fab14

Schedule a nutrition consultation with #JaimeRDLD: https://www.functionalelements.net/contact

Learn more about Functional Elements Training & Nutrition: https://www.functionalelements.net

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Reframing a ‘Sacrifice’ State of Mind


When many of us think about nutrition, this is what comes to mind. And it’s typically not a positive thought. So, maybe we need to reframe things a bit.


When many of us think about nutrition, this is what comes to mind.

Sacrificing or giving up things (foods/drinks) that taste so good and we love to eat.

Or, in terms of fitness, sacrificing time/energy for the workout. 

Sacrifice isn't exactly something we think positively of, and therefore it can be tough to stick to. 

So, maybe we need to reframe things a bit. 

Instead of being bogged down with what you might be sacrificing, flip the script and focus on the positive of what you will achieve from that sacrifice. 

Let me talk pizza for a moment. I love it. And yes, I do eat it (I am human you know). 

But if I want to stick to my goals and what's important to me physically/mentally, I can't have it all the time and some sacrifice is necessary. 

For example, when I'm at a restaurant with my kids, maybe a nice simple salad with some grilled chicken is in order for myself rather than the pepperoni. 

Not quite as exciting, no, but I try not to focus on what I'm giving up. Rather, what I am getting. I know I'll be more on track with my physical goals. I know I will probably feel WAY better after the meal is done and over. And I also know that whatever I chose to be in its place tasted pretty good too! 

So, maybe it's just a matter of playing a bit of a mental game with yourself. Focus not so much on 'sacrifice' or what you are giving up, but rather the positives of what you are getting out of it. 


Jaime Rothermich, RD, CSSD, LD, PPSC, CSCS
Functional Elements Training & Nutrition

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

How Much Water Should I Drink Daily? #AskJaime

Do we need to be carrying around that gallon jug of water we've been told to for all these years? And just what is a good starting point if I don’t feel I’m getting enough?

Do we really need to be carrying around that gallon jug of water we've been told to for all these years?

Just how much do we really need every day?

And if you don't think you are getting enough, where's a good starting point?

In this episode, I give my thoughts on these questions and more.

#JaimeRDLD #Hydration

(Run time: 2:46)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot: https://www.fab14nutrition.com/fab14

Schedule a nutrition consultation with #JaimeRDLD: https://www.functionalelements.net/contact

Learn more about Functional Elements Training & Nutrition: https://www.functionalelements.net

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Branched-Chain Amino Acids Daily? #AskJaime

Is this a supplement we need to be taking daily?

Is it a supplement we need to be taking at all?

In this video, I give my thoughts.

Is this a supplement we need to be taking daily?

Is it a supplement we need to be taking at all?

In this video, I give my thoughts on branched-chain amino acids.

#JaimeRDLD #BranchedChainAminoAcids

(Run time: 2:01)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot: https://www.fab14nutrition.com/fab14

Schedule a nutrition consultation with #JaimeRDLD: https://www.functionalelements.net/contact

Learn more about Functional Elements Training & Nutrition: https://www.functionalelements.net

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J. Antonio Muyco III J. Antonio Muyco III

Motion is Lotion

Ever heard of the phrase use it or lose it?

Probably, yes. But have you ever thought about it in the context of your body?

Ever heard of the phrase use it or lose it?  

Probably, yes. But have you ever thought about it in the context of your body? 

Movement breeds movement. And if we aren’t doing it consistently over time, our bodies tend to tighten, stiffen and lose range of motion to the point where movement becomes uncomfortable. 

And when it becomes uncomfortable it tends to breed even less movement. A viscous downward spiral I see way too often. 

I don’t know about you, but as I get older I want to make sure that my ability to move is maximized, not minimized. 

So, I think of motion as lotion. And as you can see below, it’s not just a catchy slogan that rhymes! It has real application throughout a number of systems within our bodies:

  • MUSCLE: There are about 600 muscles in our body which can make up to 40% of our total body weight. Movement not only strengthens muscles but  also improves stability, balance, and coordination.

  • BONE: Movement helps build bone density making bones more durable and dense. Resistance training and weight bearing exercise, as simple as walking, build more bone density. 

  • JOINTS: exercise increases coordination and balance which aids in improving your joints’ range of motion.

  • BRAIN FUNCTION: Movement improves your neuromuscular system which is the connection between your mind and body. This is especially important as we age to fight cognitive decline.

  • CARDIOVASCULAR & CARDIORESPIRATORY (aka Heart & Lungs): According to the British Heart Foundation, 10,000 fatal heart attack can be prevented each year by consistently moving 30-60 minutes a day. It improves your heart’s capacity to send blood to muscles which in turn increases your capacity to use oxygen to  improve your cardiorespiratory endurance.

So many benefits there for the taking. So, grab ‘em! Use motion as lotion to do it. Just know that like practically every other daily routine you do to take care of yourself (i.e showering, deodorant, teeth brushing, etc), consistency is key.  

Remember, give your body what it needs, when it needs it … and it needs motion!


J. Antonio Muyco, III, NSCA, PPSC, CSCS
Director of Training
Functional Elements Training & Nutrition

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Should I Eat After My Workout?

You've just crushed a grueling workout.
Is it time to re-fuel and feed your body?
If so, what would be optimal?
In this video, I give some general thoughts as to whether or not it is best to eat post workout.

You've just crushed a grueling workout.

Is it time to re-fuel and feed your body?

If so, what would be optimal?

In this video, I give some general thoughts as to whether or not it is best to eat post workout.

#JaimeRDLD #Dietitian

(Run time: 2:03)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot: https://www.fab14nutrition.com/fab14

Learn more about Functional Elements:

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Should I Eat Prior To My Workout?

Tough question, considering a lot of it has to do with the uniqueness of each individual and that individual's specific goals, nutrition and activity level.

In this video, I give some general thoughts and talk about specific situations where they answer to the question may vary.

Tough question, considering a lot of it has to do with the uniqueness of each individual and that individual's specific goals, nutrition and activity level.

In this video, I give some general thoughts and talk about specific situations where they answer to the question may vary.

#JaimeRDLD #Dietitian

(Run time: 2:12)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot: https://www.fab14nutrition.com/fab14

Learn more about Functional Elements:

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Patrick McDermott Patrick McDermott

My Warmup is Done … What’s Next?

So your workout has begun with your Functional Elements (FE) trainer and your 6-phase warmup is complete.

What's next?

We call it the PRIMER.

So your workout has begun with your Functional Elements (FE) trainer and your 6-phase warmup is complete.

What's next?

We call it the PRIMER.

You can kind of get the idea by the name. We're warm, and now we are notching it up to totally PRIME ourselves for the meat of the workout.

As with just about everything we do at FE, the primer is personalized to the client.

So what does the primer consist of?

It could go one of a few different directions, but most importantly it is customized to our client's workout that day.

Let's say a client's KPI or focus that day is a squat. If so, maybe our primer is something as simple as hamstring curls and a plank.

Or, maybe the client has indicated to us in previous assessments/workouts that rotation is an issue, and some extra rotational work is needed to get all the kinks out prior to some heavier lifting.

The primer can also be a time to be athletic, aka have some fun.

In terms of a 60-minute client workout, we're only talking about a few minutes dedicated to the primer. But whether it's the warmup, the primer or the true core of the workout, we don't really think of it as separate components. Everything is strategically designed to flow together and connect. Just like the warmup, the primer IS the workout.

Check out the video below for our client Chris' primer, working with a kettlebell and med ball. As a former athlete, Chris likes to be challenged, so we use the primer here for some coordination, rotation and explosion.

1st exercise: Kettlebell Ipsilateral Lunge into Palm clean Step Up
2nd exercise: Kettlebell Ipsilateral Lunge into step Up shoulder press
3rd exercise: Med ball drop lunge into Rotational throw
4th exercise: Med ball reverse lunge into Chest throw

Are you using a primer to make the most out of your workout and program? If not, let us know. We can design and implement a fitness program specifically built for you, right down to the primer and warmup, just like we did for Chris and the rest of our FE client family.

Remember - a simple key to fitness success is giving your body WHAT it needs, WHEN it needs it.


Patrick McDermott, PPSC
Partner, Personal Trainer & Assessment Specialist
Functional Elements Training & Nutrition

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Warm Up to an Evolved Warmup

What's your go-to warmup for a workout? A walk on the treadmill maybe?

It used to be for me, until …

What's your go-to warmup for a workout?

A walk on the treadmill maybe?

It used to be for me. Actually, I've used it in the past with clients as well.

But one of the best parts about our industry is that it keeps evolving - and we at FE keep taking advantage by always learning for the betterment of clients.

Our warmups today have evolved from a treadmill strategy to a 6-phase dynamic strategy aimed at getting your body and nervous system strategically primed for the workout at hand.

The 6 phases are meant to flow together seamlessly to prepare for the movements in a safe, efficient and effective manner.

From foam rolling to bi-phasic stretching, all the way to muscle activation, movement pattern and central nervous system prep, the 6-phase dynamic warmup preps our joints, muscles and mind for what's upcoming.

The result is a better workout. Less imbalances and yes, even less potential injury.

Compare this to a walk on the treadmill.

Sure, the treadmill is easy. A little 5-10 minute stroll, maybe get a little sweat going.

But walking/running in a linear fashion doesn't necessarily prepare us for a training session in which we're moving through multiple planes and intensities.

At FE, we believe a warmup is NOT a throwaway. It is a critical part of the actual training session.

It doesn't have to take long. Each phase can last a minute or so. But it's strategically tied to the workout, so in actuality IT BECOMES THE WORKOUT!

So what are the 6 phases? I've listed them below. Keep in mind that these phases are like categories, and each one has a multitude of warmup movements that can be utilized on a particular day to best match the body parts that are targeted in that day's workout.

1. SMR (self myofascial release)
2. Bi-phasic stretch
3. Corrective exercise
4. Muscle activation
5. Movement pattern
6. CNS preparation

What specific movements should go into each phase? They vary, by client and by workout. Through our proprietary assessment protocols, we determine the various 6-phase warmup patterns that a client will utilize as part of their personalized program.

So where do you go from here?

First off, if you don't incorporate a warmup into your workout, do so. It's not a throwaway.

Second, my general recommendation is to get out of the old 'walk on the treadmill' warmup mindset. Instead, use the time and energy strategically to get your body prepped in the best possible way for results and injury prevention (aka, get on board with a 6-phase warmup strategy).

Finally, make sure your 6-phase warmup is properly designed for YOU, YOUR body and YOUR goals. Get with a qualified expert (we happen to know of a good one!). to be sure.

Remember - GIVE YOUR BODY WHAT IT NEEDS, WHEN IT NEEDS IT. And prior to a workout, this is what your body needs!

Jaime Rothermich
Functional Elements Training & Nutrition

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Boosting Daily Calories Burned #AskJaime

What is the most modifiable component to our TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)? In this video, I give my thoughts as to how you can make the most effective/efficient boost to your daily calories burned.

What is the most modifiable component to our TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)?

There are four of them.
Is it basal metabolic rate?
Is it non-exercise activity thermogenesis?
Is it thermic effect of food?
Or is it exercise energy expenditure?

In this video, I give my thoughts as to how you can make the most effective/efficient boost to your daily calories burned.

#JaimeRDLD #Dietitian

(Run time: 2:31)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot: https://www.fab14nutrition.com/fab14

Learn more about Functional Elements:

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Are All Calories Created Equal?

Are all calories created equal?

And what the heck is a calorie in the first place?

In this video, I break it down quick and simple.

Are all calories created equal?

And what the heck is a calorie in the first place?

In this video, I break it down quick and simple.

#JaimeRDLD #Dietitian

(Run time: 2:08)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot: https://www.fab14nutrition.com/fab14

Learn more about Functional Elements:

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

How Much Fat Can I Lose in 1 Day?

How much fat is realistic to lose in 1 day? Having an idea could give you a pretty good perspective on setting expectations.
In this episode #JaimeRD tackles this question.

How much fat is realistic to lose in 1 day?
Having an idea could give you a pretty good perspective on setting expectations.
In this episode #JaimeRD tackles this question.

Watch video here.

#JaimeRDLD #Dietitian

(Run time: 2:38)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot: https://www.fab14nutrition.com/fab14

Learn more about Functional Elements:

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Barclay Poole Barclay Poole

What Makes Up My Metabolism? Part 5

METABOLISM - we always hear about it, but what goes into us actually needing all those calories on a daily basis? In part 5 of 5 of his series, #JaimeRDLD recaps episodes 1-4.

METABOLISM - we always hear about it, but what goes into us actually needing all those calories on a daily basis?

What factors are in our control, and which aren't, when it comes to changing our metabolism?

In this episode (the fifth of five in this short series), #JaimeRDLD recaps episodes 1-4.

#JaimeRDLD #Dietitian

(Run time: 2:49)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot: https://www.fab14nutrition.com/fab14

Learn more about Functional Elements:

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Barclay Poole Barclay Poole

What Makes Up My Metabolism? Part 4

METABOLISM - we always hear about it, but what goes into us actually needing all those calories on a daily basis? In part 4 of 5 of his series, #JaimeRDLD covers the component referred to as TEF.

METABOLISM - we always hear about it, but what goes into us actually needing all those calories on a daily basis?

What factors are in our control, and which aren't, when it comes to changing our metabolism?

In this episode (the fourth of five in this short series), #JaimeRDLD covers an additional component - TEF.

#JaimeRDLD #Dietitian

(Run time: 2:21)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot: https://www.fab14nutrition.com/fab14

Learn more about Functional Elements:

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Can I Lose 1 LB of Fat in One Day?

Is it realistic to expect 1 lb of fat loss per day? A commercial that I hear over and over again seemingly every day tells me it is, with the use of their product of course …

Is it realistic to expect 1 lb of fat loss per day?

A commercial that I hear over and over again seemingly every day tells me it is, with the use of their product of course. 

In this episode of #AskJaime, I dive in. 

Spend just 3 mins with me and find out what I think.

#JaimeRD #Dietitian

(Run time: 2:59)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot: https://www.fab14nutrition.com/fab14

Learn more about Functional Elements:

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Process Over Goal, Here’s Why

We often focus on the goal.
But what’s really important is how we get there.
Because when we do, we want to stay.

I was just on the phone with a potential new client. Let’s call her Mary.

Mary’s goal?

To lose roughly 100-125 lbs.

She seems determined. And I am very much stoked for her and want to do everything I can to help her achieve.

But it made me think about so many of our new nutrition or fitness clients I’ve had initial talks with in the past. Clients who had achieved goals but then quickly regressed, prior to coming to us at Functional Elements.

What I want Mary to be mindful of right out of the gates is that the goal is important, yes, but the true achievement will be maintaining that goal long term after she has reached it.

And that puts the emphasis on the path or process, more so than even the goal.

By human nature, we usually want the quickest path.

The trouble with the quickest path is that it is typically the most extreme. Sure, it may work initially, but extreme very often translates into unsustainable.

Which is why regression often follows success. Standards are set that we can’t maintain.

A path to a training or nutrition goal should be simple. Something that you won’t be fighting every day.

It should be sustainable … something that can easily be adapted long term.

And it should be rooted in good strategy, but flexible enough to evolve along the way based on how your body is responding physically and mentally.

Mary, I love your goal and we’re gonna do this!

But the way we truly win is through process. Trust in it and commit to it consistently. We’ll get there, trust me, and when we do - you’ll be built to stay there!

Remember -


Jaime Rothermich, RD, CSSD, LD, PPSC, CSCS
Functional Elements Training & Nutrition

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Barclay Poole Barclay Poole

What Makes Up My Metabolism? Part 3

METABOLISM - we always hear about it, but what goes into us actually needing all those calories on a daily basis? In part 3 of 5 of his series, #JaimeRDLD covers the component referred to as EAT.

METABOLISM - we always hear about it, but what goes into us actually needing all those calories on a daily basis?

What factors are in our control, and which aren't, when it comes to changing our metabolism?

In this episode (the third of five in this short series), #JaimeRDLD covers an additional component - EAT.

#JaimeRDLD #Dietitian

(Run time: 2:18)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot: https://www.fab14nutrition.com/fab14

Learn more about Functional Elements:

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#JaimeRDLD #JaimeRDLD

Is Salmon Jerky Good For Me?

Who knew salmon could be made into jerky?
But is it something I would eat regularly?
In the video find out why I like it and how I use it.

Who knew salmon could be made into jerky?

But is it something I would eat regularly?

In the video find out why I like it and how I use it.

#WhatsJaimeEatin #JaimeRDLD #Dietitian

(Run time: 0:37)

Learn more about Jaime's FAB 14 Nutrition Re-boot: https://www.fab14nutrition.com/fab14

Learn more about Functional Elements Training & Nutrition: https://www.functionalelements.net

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